Our Lady of the Sierras Shrine
 (Friday night canyon rosary – Pat’s commentary.)

(Pat) “Prayer began with opening song “Immaculate Mary”, opening prayer, and scripture reading (1 Peter 4:7-11). After scripture reading, a reflection was presented referencing the previous Friday night’s scripture relating of Psalm 46 versus 11 …. “Be still and know that I am God!” In recollection, it was relayed that one of the first verbal messages given by Our Lady simply said, “Be calm, be silent and love much”. It was suggested that the “be calm” meant “be still”….and “know”…. a silence of the heart, mind, body and soul whereby we can hear the word of God. In the processes of calmness, and silence we experience the presence of God through “loving much” with the grace of the love of God.

It was evident by the perceived appearance of a living – breathing statue of Our Lady that She was definitely with us. Towards the third decade of the rosary, the room faded and before us stood our Lady with a large vibrant angel by Her side. Both Our Lady and the angel were in a radiant vapor of light. The angel was then given two keys (one large and ornate, the other small and simply). Each key hung on its own fine twine of brilliant cord. The angel then placed the cords of keys around the neck of the recipient.

The image now changed into one of a brilliantly ornate double door engulfed in a vibrant “mist”. Instantly it was known that the key or keys fit the very large lock upon the door and the doors were to be opened. The large key hole was too high to reach; but, upon trying to insert the key into the keyhole it was noted there was a very small key hole embedded into the top portion of the larger key. The small key was then inserted into the proper opening of the larger key and together the door unlatched and began to open.

It should be noted that behind the doors sounds similar to human voices were heard. Here we must stop to discern just what the opening of the doors would signify. Are these special graces which Our Lord has allowed for a specific purpose?

Fr.“G” to whom this vision was first revealed, discerned it was a particularly special grace to be shared with those attending the rosary. The following comments by Father, will prayerfully add to the meaning of the vision and will be a blessing to all those in attendance and to those whose hands this message shall reach.”

Vision of August 29, 2014. (Part II)

The visionary was granted a strong vision (see page two) at the weekly 7:30 Friday night Rosary at the newly restored Mary’s Knoll on the site of Our Lady of the Sierras Shrine. As Pat’s health has become of greater concern when “going into the spirit” it is now recognized the methods of her receiving messages at times may change. It has become more apparent to the founders that Pat’s Spiritual Director has been further called to offer some possible interpretation of the visions in an unofficial way. His commentary & interpretation follows:


Commentary  (Pat’s Spiritual Director)

“On 29 August, the Friday Night Canyon Rosary, those gathered for prayer experienced a truly grace-filled evening, which has continued to unfold in the days following. There was a very simple, very powerful reflection on Psalm 46:11 – which underscored the importance of ‘being still’ and truly listening, to what our Lord wants to say to our hearts. This invitation – “to be calm, to be still, and to love much” – permeated the evening and prepared us for what followed.

 When Our Blessed Mother appeared to the visionary, she was accompanied by a vibrant angel, who was given two keys (one large and ornate, the other small and simple). The angel then placed the keys around the neck of the visionary. The visionary then saw a very large lock on a beautiful, double door or gate. There was some confusion as the key hole which could take the large key was beyond her reach, but then she became aware of a small key hole, in the top of the large key. When the small key was inserted, the large key could then be fitted into the large key hole – and the double doors began to open!

In reflecting on the vision it became clear that we are being invited to use the small “keys” that we have – our personal faith and trust, our acts of hope, and above, acts of love – no matter how small they seem to be, will, in fact, allow us to use the larger “keys” given to us, and to grow in our awareness and our understanding of God’s will. In Luke 16:10, our Lord says: “Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much”.

How faithful am I, in using the small “keys” – the seemingly insignificant moments and opportunities which God gives to me – so that the greater gifts can be opened? Our Lord places all of these “within our reach”, if we are faithful in using the small “keys” in our lives! God places holiness within the reach of all who seek Him with sincere hearts. These doors of immense graces will open to those who will “take the keys”!

Consider our Lord’s words: “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you!”(Matthew 7:7) As we reflected on the vision, the words of an old hymn came to mind:

“Open my eyes that I may see
Glimpses of truth You have for me:
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unlock and set me free.
Silently now I wait for You,
Ready, my God, Your will to do;
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit Divine!”

Reflecting on this beautiful vision and meditating on the meaning will bring great peace and certainty – as we heed our Blessed Mother’s words in one of Her first messages: “Be calm, be silent, and love much!”    Rev 1

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.