Message of January 15th, 2010


 Our Lord Speaks 

The following messages were verbally received and recorded at Mary’s Knoll during the prayer session following the Friday night Rosary. It is to be noted the messages of 1-15-10 and 4-16-10 are the only public verbal message given in 2010 to date. No public messages from Our Blessed Mother to date have been received for publication. The messenger went into the “Spirit” and verbally expresses the presence of Jesus; “My Jesus”  

“My children, 

I come to you especially this evening …. to bestow those graces you shall need in these turbulent times to come. For your faith will be tested …….. great struggles and temptations shall come your way. But it is My gift to you, to cover you this night with My Precious Blood …. sprinkled upon you …. that you may receive My protection as you seek My Face. 

Turn not your back upon Your Lord …. but seek always My Face …. and as you seek my Face …. you shall find your path laid before you …. and my hand reaching out to guide you. 

I have not called My dear children here this night …. without a purpose. I have called them here ….. to renew their faith …… to strengthen them in ways they dreamed never possible. But now … a reality of seeds …. which  planted in their hearts will surely grow. 

For I have spoken ….. and My word is truth.”

  • Hits: 3915

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.