Message of January 11th, 2009



Our Lord speaks at the chapel

 Following the 3pm Sunday holy hour many pilgrims remained gathered in the chapel for a possible blessing and laying of hands by our small prayer team. There again was an overflow crowd partly due to an earlier extensive four page article just published concerning healings at the shrine. As it became apparent that many pilgrims present had very little information on what to expect or how they should react, an in depth orientation was given to put everyone at ease. The pilgrims were asked to remain quietly in their seats and converse solely with our Lord who knew exactly why they were there. In relation to the power of healing, the function of the prayer team was totally de-emphasized as it was made clear that Pat and the team members are only simply instruments who are being allowed to serve. As each person silently prayed, members of the prayer team went amongst them and briefly laid hands asking our Lord to bring peace to each one that their faith might grow and allow God’s healing mercy to restore the brokenness in their lives. Many tears were shed and hearts were healed. Praise God! While “in the spirit” the message recipient verbally spoke and the following was clearly recorded :“My Children,Accept this blessing with great faith. For with this blessing received in faith …. healing shall come. You will be able to withstand the onslaughts of the world and its temptations. Fear not …. for I am always with you. Though you do not see Me …. search for Me. And soon My beloved …. you shall find me. I am the hand that reaches out to you. The hand that lifts you when you fall and though you may fall many times …. I am always there to protect you …. to take you in My arms …. that you may have the peace to continue this journey. This journey comes with many trials and temptations …… but you whose faith has continued to grow ….. will be given the insight to see the snares that have been placed before you …. and you will be able to side step around them …. and continue your journey as my child. How can I give you my peace? I give you my peace thru prayer. Come to Me …… whisper to Me …. all your needs and allow me as your loving Savior ….. to heal the brokenness within you. Smile My children and rejoice ….. because you have come to holy ground. Holy ground …. where many shall find the peace and healing they desire in their lives. I have already blessed you this day …. so now I leave you with the blessing of one who loves. Look at the cross …. I am the one who loves”.
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.