Message of January 16th, 2009


The following message was received at the Friday night rosary at Mary’s Knoll. One of the more interesting parts of this particular evening was that Pat had laryngitis and was not even able to audibly read the scripture for the evening. She could barely whisper and felt she would be unable to pray for those in need. She knelt beneath the statue of the Virgin Mary, held her hand and silently prayed. She then rested in the Spirit. The following message was delivered in a very clear voice as if there was no impediment.


“My children,

 I have fed you milk to nourish your soul …… but now My children it is time for solid food. This world is in need of the solid food of the Gospel. I ask you this night to surrender yourselves … to the Lord Jesus Christ . Surrender to Him … that your diet will be that of pure nourishment. Nourishment of health and holiness …… that you dear ones must share without fear. Hear theses words … allow them to penetrate your very soul. Allow them to penetrate … that you may know their full meaning. You are the ones I’m sending into the fields with great strength, courage and perseverance. But most of all I send you with love … that you may hear the words …. the words of My Son … as he teaches you and strengthens you … to be lights that shine so brightly. Children … change that what you can change … and allow My Son … to change what He wills to be changed. Praise Him …. trust Him …. for it is pure love that guides your soul. Love guides your soul to eternity of praise for Almighty God”. The second message was given with a strong voice.……….. “The words you heard …. were they lightly whispered or were they spoken with strength that you have not had? Does this not tell you that God is in charge of your lives? Now you shall speak clearly the words God has placed upon your lips”.



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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.