September 6th, 2003

(This message was given at the La Purimisa retreat center concluding the Our Lady of the Sierras retreat.)

“My Gracious children,

You have gathered and worked so hard to bring about the beauty of this day. I bless you and hold you deeply within My Heart. For My Heart has room for many but too few wish to enter. My Heart is like the rocky path that some find too steep to climb. Yet others without difficulty found the path in leaps and leaps of joy and then leap into My Heart, which remains open for them and them alone. What glory it brings Me to see so many hearts …. so many different hearts …..yet all joined with one purpose ….. to love and be loved. I tell you this night I have poured forth many graces and granted the request of many hearts. This night you shall see healings …. you shall witness the pouring out of The Holy Spirit ……. for the sheep of My field. You My sheep have heard My voice and  have gathered the lost lambs from My fold.”

(Recipient)  I smell Lilies…… perhaps Jasmine.  We have been visited by many Saints.”
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.