November 28th, 2003

(By recipient) The following message was received after reading scripture in preparation for the Friday night Canyon rosary. It was not totally surprising to receive such a message as Our Mother previously mentioned that She would be guiding us and directing our paths as we continue serving Jesus. It is my personal opinion that there will be less audible messages as I am drawn into more contemplative prayer. It is my prayer that all hearts will become more aware of these intensely corruptive times in which we live and we will all surrender our will to that of our Divine Savior, Jesus Christ.

“My Dear Children,

This night I call you My Servants of Mercy. All who hear the word of God and allow its profound meaning to take root in your hearts are Servants of Mercy.

Are you beginning to understand the significance of this? Our Mountain of Mercy ….where the most hardened of sinners when once exposed to God’s unconditional love through the True Presence of Christ will find themselves drawn to remorseful repentance.

This is Holy Ground ……well guarded by God’s angels and visited by many Saints whose intercession is invoked. Still, My children, your work has not been completed. For each of you must continue in prayer to become visible examples of mercy. Through much love and patience you are being prepared to love unconditionally as well.

I desire more effort through prayer to help reveal the holiness of this mountain to all who come. A kind word spoken with great love will gently reveal to more pilgrims that reverence is due to Love Himself, Who dwells here amongst you. Continue My children, to persevere as We will continue to pour forth the graces necessary for this your mission. I bless you this night as you praise My Son!”

                                Second Message of November 28th, 2003

 (Visual by recipient) “Mother…………You wish to explain?  I see a large mountain covered with beautiful flowers, all kinds, all colors. Such fragrance ……so, so beautiful. A huge bouquet on some mountain ……and I hear a noise and hear laughter, running and there are people running through the flowers and stepping on them and they are pushing them down into the ground breaking them off and running and laughing and picking and pulling and …Oh Mother!”

“Just be at peace My Child, for this is as I have spoken this day. The flowers represent the souls that have been stepped  upon …. Ignored. But a folly for those who come to This Holy Place. Yet they do not realize what they have done. This I wish you to know ……that each one who gathers here upon the mountain …. each one whose heart belongs to Jesus is responsible to help these souls. To be filled with reverent awe, knowing they are in the presence of Our Lord. So many distractions in the world draws their attention away from Him who deserves all attention. Yet this is your mission ….something so important you are called to do … to be gentle guides, to restore that which has been neglected. Reverence, peace and a love which is offered in this holy place.”

(Tongues) “Mother, we are so gentle with souls as You ask us to be. Look at these flowers that have been stepped upon ……the souls ……now limp upon the ground no longer standing strong and standing beautiful …… but limp and wilted ……uprooted, Mother.  What shall we do?”

Gather them My child. Then tenderly with an abundance of love … replant them in God’s love and mercy. Be very gentle especially with those that have been uprooted. For they have been away a long time …and they are going to find their way back because of your gentle love and concern. Yes My child, your concern for each and every soul. You are My gardeners as well as My Children of Mercy. I have taught you. You know My child what I expect of thee and thee alone.  But others too must know that they have a great responsibility to be gentle, yet firm. That these uprooted souls …are replanted in fresh soil … where their hearts would be made whole again …and renewed with the Love of Jesus. See …… He stands, watching, waiting, inviting. Put your tools in your hands My children ……the tools of love, obedience, gentle forgiveness and gently help nourish these precious souls back to My Son. He loves you so very much. Won’t you do what you can …. for time is so very short.

 How beautiful to see the mountain undisturbed, in full bloom once again.”

(Personal conversation followed)   “When one day my heart shall burst, out of love for You.”(Powerful tongues) “Amen”    

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.