November 14th, 2003

(Recipient)  Oh Dear Mother……that you should come again…and embrace us this night……and you come to console us……to give us strength……to persevere through all the trials of life. What brings thee this night dear Mother?”

“My Dear Child,

I have come this night that the aroma of My love will  spread throughout this room. That all hearts will be open to receive such love where so many are broken ….so many are tired and yet, what is it I see in your heart My Child? I see joy ….. is that not right?”

“Thou know’est sweet Mother……how much I have asked Our Lord for these things He gives me ……these beautiful gifts that I must hide … and my heart bursts with joy.”

“As all hearts should burst with joy if they but knew the value of suffering.  Suffering is joy. For you suffer for the souls of those who do not know My Son. Yes, Jesus, they do not know Him. But you precious ones shall help them ….. shall help them come to know the one who loves them beyond belief. Who gives all to them ….. every grace to sustain them and with a heart that is open …… open to hear them …... open to hear their cries when that seed in them bursts. The bud on the flower begins to open and they see The Jesus of Mercy. The Jesus of forgiveness who stands arms spread saying” “Come …… come My Children …. gather about Me that I may hold you and that I may love you.”  “This is the Jesus I want them to see in your eyes. I wish you to be filled with joy, in all ways in all circumstances, with joy of love emanate from every pore of your body. May your soul be enriched with the love of God, the strength of the Holy Spirit, that all will see and rejoice in knowing that they carry the love of God deep within  their heart …… it has but to be awakened.

For there are those who sleep … not as you would sleep and rest and recline … but sleep in a way that blinds them from Christ and His love and see only what the world has to offer. It is as though they lived in a dream. Though reality comes and it shall come soon enough. So be bold My Children as I have always asked of thee …. for We shall give the strength to persevere.”

(Tongues) “Yes love …. but love often must begin with forgiveness and all too often the forgiveness is the most difficult one ….. when one cannot forgive himself. The door is open …… see My Child.”

(Recipient) “There is a door……a bright light pours forth from the doorway.  Light emanates everywhere… sparkling,  powerful yet not intimating, it’s welcoming. It’s so warm and there stands in the doorway, a man who holds within his arms a lamb.  (yes Mother, I have seen this before). How Jesus searches for each of His Children. He leaves the ninety nine  and  searches for the one who is lost. He does not give up until all are resting safely within His pasture. (tongues) Yes I know…my heart does flame with love. Oh if this fire is not quenched Oh Mother, I shall be consumed, consumed by love. Oh My Jesus, set my heart so on fire for souls. Consume me My Lord… for thou has called me. Help me Lord as You help all of us, to be ready when our name is called.”

(Angel)   Little Child ….. it is time once again to rest …… but you are warm and you are at peace.”

(Recipient) “I am warm and at peace. For your wings cover me.”  

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.