May 16, 2003

The following message was received during private meditation today with Our Lady in Elburn, Illinois. One particular thing of interest I wish to share is Our Lady’s strong affection for families and our responsibilities to them. While we were in conversation, I was called to a family matter needing my attention. She stopped Her conversation, and told me to respond to the family situation. Once the matter was taken care of we resumed our conversation as though there had been no interruption. Perhaps this alone is in itself a lesson requiring a much deeper understanding of the value Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother place on our response to the needs of others.)

“My Dear Children,


Unto this holy mountain I shall draw many souls thirsting for what many of you, My little ones, are presently cultivating deeply within your hearts ….the joy and peace in loving and serving Almighty God. You are being refined and fine-tuned as instruments of such love.


We know that your days are long and filled with unceasing interruptions …all aimed at disturbing your peace. Until you are at peace with God, you cannot be at peace with your brothers and sisters.  All this comes with a commitment ….an internal “fiat” which exudes the sweet fragrance of loving unconditionally.


One does not reach such goals without the scars of which I spoke earlier. An athlete does not reach his peak of ability without much sacrifice and discipline. The word I desire you to hear is discipline. It is your choice. How much are you prepared to deny yourself ? For to deny oneself for the Glory of God is a true gift of the Spirit. You will hunger for God as your prayer life becomes stronger. Be assured when you truly hunger for God in such a way, He will bless you with an insatiable hunger for souls …..souls which too shall hunger for God.


Let My calm reassurance of Our love reassure you in these times of uncertainty. Be at peace, little ones. The love and mercy of God shall overcome all obstacles. Trust and believe!”

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.