March 21st, 2003 (Angel greeting) “Children of God,

Rejoice and prepare thyself .......... for The Almighty stands in your presence. Hear
His words your hearts ..... receive Him.”

(Jesus) “My child,

It is what I wish you to see this night ....the journey that you shall take and those that follow. Look deeply within My eyes that you may see My pain and see My joy    for I come for each of My Children.” (Visual by recipient) I see My Lord as I do not remember seeing Him before ......tall ...regal. Yet He is gray ...almost a mask of pain and suffering ......and He flees into the open arms of His Mother with the embrace and praise where their hearts are united ...beating in unison unison for souls. Each looks at each other ...there are no spoken words         but each one knows that they shall part now. For He has a mission ... a mission to complete. I see the sorrow in the Mothers face that understands the pain of their child ...and yet knows She must let go. For His mission is also Her mission. For no matter where either may be ......their hearts are always joined ...always united. He steps back ... She trembles. He places His hands on Her upper arms ...cups Her lowered head in His hands ......raises Her face to meet His eyes once again. For they know what must come. He begins to walk away ...turns once more with a reassuring glance of love ...of complete understanding and then hurriedly begins His journey down this path away from this house ...away from this heart that clings so tightly to His.My Lord I know not why you have placed me here ...what is it that I am to do? You ask me to be a mother ...... a mother to many ......and I wish to place my arms around this Holy Mother and dry Her tears and ease Her suffering ...and yet I am so unworthy. But She regains Her composure, sadly but regally.I hear myself whispering. I must run now Mother... I must run. I must catch up with him because he can’t be alone ... we can’t leave Him alone. I beg Thy permission to stay with Him ...... to go with Him every step He takes ... to bear His pain ... the sorrow that He feels... and I’m running and I’m running ...... and I reach the garden ... and it’s too late. They are gathered around Him (He is already bound with ropes and chains). Ropes and chains around Divine love? I don’t understand Mother, for ropes and chains are but straw compared to the strength of Love. Only straw binds Thy mighty love. But You choose to be bound ... to be dragged literally. You can barely walk. They have bound you so tightly and they forced you to go through these bushes ... and the limbs swipe against andscratch your face. Even little pieces of hair cling ... and they harshly treat you. Their words I cannot repeat. For I am there My Jesus ... little as I am ... the dust that I am. To make reparation for all those sins that have been committed against Thee ... and for which Thou shall endure much.

There’s a stream. I don’t know how He is going to cross the stream when He can’t even walk .        and they drag Him ... they drag Him and His head goes into the
water and it strikes a stone and blood comes on the stone. But they don’t care ... and they lift Him up. They lift Him up only because they know only more horror is in store for Him. This One who claims to be the Son of God. This meek ... humble ... loving soul that now stands covered with mud ... with filth ... . covered with our sins. I want to run to Him and I want to run. What have I got? I have nothing. I want to wipe Him off and clean Him and make Him beautiful as He is ... and yet I can’t ... there is nothing. But I will praise My Lord and I will join my heart with yours and beg Thee never to be separated from Thee. Allow me, Lord, to take the abuse... to take the insults ...... to take the offenses in reparation for all that has been committed against Thee. And He stands there and with the most loving look I see in His eyes ... and He whispers to me”
“Love, My child, love them, forgive them and if you love and if you forgive …..we shall complete this journey together. You know what comes.  My child, I love you.”

  • Hits: 3851

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.