June 6th, 2003

(The following message was dictated in our private residence after 6:pm while in preparation for the Friday night Canyon Rosary. It was clearly stated this was to be made available to the group prior to the praying of the Rosary. As Our Mother is always so compassionate and understanding, She dictated this rather than have the recipient’s husband who was in bed sick try to record it. The second conversation that occurred at the Rosary was not recorded. I can only ask that you pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment as you read the following: )

“My Dear Children,

You have journeyed with Me these many but yet, few years. For time is unequivocally a Divine measurement …. incomprehensible and thus miscalculated. You think of time as the hands of a clock, moving second by second. Yet, I tell you time is a place recorded and instituted by God for His Master Plan in each precious soul.

We have walked in the gardens, smelled the aroma of each fragrant flower and seen the beauty which lies beneath the soil of fertility. Do you recognize the meaning of My words. The gardens are the souls …… some sprouting forth nurtured by love …. others awaiting compassion and understanding. Souls such as these you encounter each day. You need only to ask for the grace to recognize these golden opportunities God has made available to you. When you seek such graces for the sake of others, you console My Son, and your heart then becomes a refuge for Divine Love!”

{Recipients commentary}: Often due to the limitedness of our human mind’s capabilities to capture the full meaning of Our Lady’s words, it becomes an all out faith filled walk of trust and obedience. It is in the silence of our hearts when we are vulnerably aware of God’s nurturing love that we begin to slightly realize not only the beauty, but also the importance of Their words. As Our Lady said, “When you seek such graces for the sake of others, you console My Son, and your heart then become a refuge for Divine Love.” Perhaps in our simple acts of trying to make reparation for the sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we become partakers of Love while remaining co-workers in the harvesting of the field of souls. God gives us many opportunities to live a grace filled life. When temptations and distractions arise, we must continuously ask for the graces necessary to perform the task at hand. They never fail us. Sometimes our vision becomes clouded, but eventually God’s ways become clearer and we are able to see once again that love, patience, kindness, gentleness of spirit and all the fruits of the Spirit enjoin our hearts to always seek the Lord in all things. 
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.