July 11th, 2003

 “My Beloved Children,

How appropriate this night such scripture has been read, [Corinthians 12] for tonight I wish to dwell upon the gifts that each and every one of God’s Children has been given.”

“My Dear Children,

When you were baptized you received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They were wrapped as a gift …… so beautifully wrapped that many of our children marveled at such an exquisite package. The wrappings of gossamer ….the bows trimmed with gold. And you said.” “Surely such a gift must be too valuable to open. I will place it where it will be safe and at some point I will open it ….but it is far to valuable now. I must admire it!”

“Children; are you so enraptured by the outside that you cannot see what lies within? These gifts are gifts from My Son ….these gifts of The Holy Spirit which He gave you to be opened, to be cherished and to be used. When you open them do not place them where they may only be admired but not used. For then what good is the Gift? As you have been baptized in The Holy Spirit ……it is when The Holy Spirit is released in your life that you become aware of the greatness of the gift that God has given you. You become first of all aware of the beauty of the Sacraments and you fall in love with the Sacraments. Secondly you are strengthened in your faith to be bold, courageous warriors now filled with the Spirit to go forth …..bearing your gift to be shared amongst your brothers and sisters. Such gifts often bring miracles …..yes miracles. When you pray filled with the power of The Holy Spirit and someone who is ill is instantly cured …… a miracle has taken place. When you pray and someone who is sick, slowly, gradually whether through the aid of physicians ……begins a healing process, that person also receives a healing. Healings are faith filled instruments of the Holy Spirit given to each of the children whose hearts are open to receive them. Too many are afraid to open this beautiful gift …….and therefore it remains un-used ….unproductive.   

My Children,  Do not be afraid. For God does not give you fear. He gives you love. And a gift so beautiful is one meant to be shared. Allow your trust and your faith in God to give you the courage to receive with the heart of gratitude. And yes, you may …..unwrap slowly ….delicately enjoying the beauty of the package. But most importantly, rejoice with the gift God has given you. Believe My Children and you shall receive. For each carries within themselves that special gift. The Holy Spirit holds this tightly within His hands ……and awaits for your faith to burst through …..so that the Power of God, through the instrument of you as simple human vessels …..releases the power that God has entrusted into the hands of those who believe. Have much faith. The world is in need of much faith …much trust. For My Son will be always with you …..guiding you ….directing your steps and remember My Children, that God is most generous with His Children. Ask of Him …..expect an answer and place your trust totally in Him knowing He has heard you and He will answer your prayers. Bear with much patience …….for much joy will be your reward.”

Visual by recipient) “It’s all white.  Mother, it looks like snow or ice …and someone……I can’t see a face ……but they are chipping away at the ice. It appears quite thick. I don’t understand …but I don’t understand a lot.  A line, a fishing line is placed in the water beneath the ice and a moment later there’s a fish on the end of the line. (Yes) Now I understand. Sometimes, when we are given gifts we must work very hard, very diligently, not knowing what lies beyond but trusting God through His Grace, as the ice was broken, apparently  it would appear,  that no life was there. It is through our constant efforts to reach our brothers and sisters that a soul is touched.

 We’re all fishermen. Fishers of God  for all the souls that deny and reject Our Lord. We must continue to persevere even in the bleakest circumstances. For there is life and we as servants of Our Lord Jesus must make that effort to reach each and every soul.”  

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.