January 3rd, 2003 Published 2-2-03

(The following message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary at Mary’s Knoll and has been transcribed from the audio recording. We have discerned to share this particular message which appears somewhat childish as it revolves around a flashback vision Pat is given. The time frame was around 1955 describing a beautiful memory of Pat fishing with her father on the Potomac River. This Christmas week 2002 Pat was in great sorrow because of the loss of her father. Note how Our Blessed Mother ties in the elementary scene of Pat fishing with her father to present times and requesting all of us becoming fishers  of men.)(Recipient) “As you place the sorrow with joy ...... with simplistic joy, I no longer grieve for Thou art always with me .........and the beautiful sound of the water beneath the bridge ......... not really a bridge. It looks like little logs tossed across the creek. I hear the water as it runs over the stones. What a gentle sound ... soft ...... soothing and the light of the day beginning to come through the trees. How beautiful, how simple. Yes ...... [tongues] I will go with you. I beg to go with you Mother ...... such a smile upon on your face .... a face lit by so many lights. You are like a rainbow of lights, and you hold out your hand. Please slip my hand in yours [sigh] for these days have been so difficult. But now there is joy ...... there is peace at last. We walk across this long bridge listening to the water and to the birds singing into the light as it shines about us. We are in a peaceful setting. Yes..... there is a log, not majestic for a queen ...... but still She sits upon the log and beckons me to come to Her ...... want to hear Her words. I want to hear what Mother says. It becomes quiet now.”

“My Precious Child,

What are memories but steps through life? Steps taken slowly at first as you learn ..... as you are taught ..... as you begin to comprehend you reflect back now upon

these memories. The steps you took with the one loved .......... the steps through thetrees .................... and what it is My Child that you carry upon your shoulder?” (Pat)
“A thin pole”. And the one beside you?.....” “My Father. (sigh) He carries a pole as well and a metal box ...... a gray box with a handle and we walk together. We are walking through the trees and there is a familiar smell ... an aroma that’s hard to describe ......but it’s the water. We’re going fishing! The tide is coming in and “He” (my father) is finding a place for us to fish ... and he’s getting my line

ready and the little reel that I have and the hook at the end and a little round plastic thing (a bobber ... up a bit from the hook. He places everything just right for me and then he reaches into this can and takes out a little worm and places it on the hook! I never could do that, but it was still fun wasn’t it, Mother, it was a step ...... it was a memory. And he got his reel ready and he helped me put the rod back over my shoulder ......and held on really tightly and then let go ... holding on the string, along into the water and the little round ball floated on top ... and ... My dad laughed! And I was so happy and he threw out his line and we sat quietly. So quietly listening ... to what Mother? Listening to memories. Memories have sounds. I never knew memories had sounds ...... but I hear the water and I look upon my fathers face as together we sit ...... together we share this precious time. Has it been that many years ago? But today it is as through it just happened ...... for there is joy in my heart ...... there is no longer the sorrow. For I know that my father is with my Lord and he has the most beautiful pole and he is there fishing and waiting ......and waiting for me. Oh, Mother, how beautiful is life even in sorrow. The beauty that comes ......childlike at first ......baby steps and as we grow older the memories become more vivid ... more distinct ... for we learn to walk. Help us Mother as we walk this path of memories ... to walk to your Son. For it is He who awaits us smiling joyfully at His precious children ...all of us with our steps of memories.”

“My Daughter,

Sit with Me awhile longer for My Son calls all of His children to be fishers of men .....fishers of souls. What a beautiful memory you have retained ....that of afisherman. Only then you did not know ...........  you would become a fisher of men.......... a fisher of souls of Almighty God! Rest as I bless you and all My children.”
  • Hits: 3535

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.