February 28th, 2003

(Recipient) “What would thou have me say this night. This night has great expectations ......of great joy...”

“My Daughter,

These words you shall tell My children. It is My Son  ….The Lord Jesus himself who tonight stands amongst you. He brings with Him those graces that each heart requires. The graces of strength and perseverance for the trials that lie ahead for each and every one of His precious children. He has been observing each heart as have I. ….each heart that wanders, each heart that says I will believe. I will open the doors of this My Precious Heart and allow My Lord to enter. Beware as you invite Jesus into your lives ....for they shall never be the same.” (Tongues) ......

“Yes My Child,

Once committed ...truly committed to following Jesus is a life long journey .....ajourney of disappointments.......... but a journey of great joy with unmentionable

rewards awaiting ............. awaiting that final moment when each child shall come
before Him. Think carefully what you do with every moment of your lives. Take
each moment ..... make each moment a day ....each day a week and see the changes in your lives and those that your lives have touched.”

 “Precious Children,

So much to learn .......... yet you have done so well …..for you have surrendered

and come before Jesus......... receptive to truth ..... to the word of God.”

“Mother. Thou know’est these times are most difficult when one would rather run than face the task at hand. I have been so guilty. But I know My Jesus awaits me still with his arms spread wide. To welcome me and all those like me who have failed ... but yet trust ... trust in the mercy of Our Lord. So here I am ...standing before My Lord. I am empty My Jesus. I am empty now. I am ready. I stand with all those who are empty of everything that is of themselves ... and come to that fountain ... to the fountain of your mercy ...and asked to be filled. Filled Lord Jesus with everything that is of You. My Lord ......the air is so different. It is though we stand in clouds of brilliant light ......surrounded by melodious hymns ......chimes. As you gaze around us Our hearts are filled with joy”... (tongues)

“Yes My Daughter,

My Son receives each of His children .... and each of those who come desiring to be filled with His grace shall be filled to overflowing. For His love is great and His mercy is un-ending. Pray.....pray that all souls will find Jesus ......and run into His arms seeking His mercy and forgiveness.”

  • Hits: 3630

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.