December 19th, 2003

(This Christmas message was given through the recipient and recorded during the Friday night Rosary. The dimly lit prayer room had been especially prepared with decorations, candles and a small nativity scene placed inside the fireplace. This particular evening was one of special joy in anticipation of the blessing of our special items.)

(Recipient) “How beautiful thou are this night, all in white. A  gold sash……the lights penetrating through Her gown, again like gossamer…(transparent) gold, white, beautiful lights. The lights of a beautiful holy face of The Mother of God………………Oh Mother.”

“My Dear Child,

It is with great joy that I see the emotion in the hearts of so many of My faithful children. For it is by faith that they have come this night bringing their precious gifts once again for My blessing ….. a blessing I will soon bestow upon them. Do not be dismayed or lose focus My children when things do not go as you have planned. For I tell you truly …..that they are done according to God’s plan be at peace. No anxiety of the heart, but only prayer with the heart to ease the pain and suffering of this world.

Rejoice My Children, for by your faith, many will be blessed. Many will come to know My Son …. to love Him and to serve Him. My message is brief but My blessing to each one here this night ….especially the precious little ones, will extend through their lifetime as well as yours. And the gifts that you have brought too, carry a special blessing as well, for all who receive them.

I smile as I look about the room and see the candles burning…..the warm fireplace … a beautiful manger scene. All the beautiful items that have been brought, so many with beautiful memories that touch your hearts, will now  touch them even more deeply. Be at peace My Children as I Your Mother bless you this night. See My Angels as they gather amongst you, touching each and every one of you. Oh My Children, should the scales fall from your eyes you would utterly expire ……for the beauty which lies before you.

Peace My Children and My blessing.”

Recipient) “So beautiful and the lights. She says you have but to look at the stars above this Holy Place to see that God has well lit His Holy Mountain.”
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.