December 5th, 2003

“My Dear Children,

During this special time of Advent in which many hearts are busily preparing for the arrival of My Son, I wish to commend you for the manner in which you have undertaken to make this season as it should be ……one of Holy anticipation of the Birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Many are making extra efforts to be gifts of themselves to others through deeds of mercy and kindness. How this pleases Our Hearts and aids in the purification of your soul.

As Divine Love approaches, My Heart, which bore True Love, is enraptured by My Son’s precious gift of merciful contemplation placed within each heart, which seeks only to please Him and Him alone. My heart, too, bursts  into innumerable pieces, which seek a resting place within each heart. Let us rejoice together, My Children, as Divine Love searches each heart for that special place which says”…….. “Welcome Lord Jesus!”


“As My continuous gift to you, I shall come the Friday before Christmas (unless Christmas falls upon that exact Friday, in which case I shall come the week before) and bless all items placed on what shall be known as” “Our Mother’s Blessing Table”.  “As in previous years, this table shall be placed near My Statue. As you pray the Memorare, My special blessing shall rest upon each item and extend to the person for whom the item is intended. It is a two-fold blessing and one I will continuously extend as long as My Son allows.

You in turn shall more importantly, place a beautiful treasure box in the Chapel for My Son. This shall be filled with Spiritual Gifts for My Son and shall be taken to Him Christmas morning with joyful songs of praise. I desire this treasure box to be available at the start of Advent in order for more pilgrims to be able to participate with their special “gifts” for Jesus. This too, shall continue annually. Prepare a special table for this treasury of gifts for all to see for this too shall allow the “giver” to receive many graces. All that I ask of you is to have much faith!

Remember these words ……for though My time with you grows short. You shall grow tall as the mighty oaks ……strong and well rooted in your faith. Pray with a sincere heart for with such faith ……mountains shall indeed move!

Rejoice always and in all things be grateful for the hand of God shall rest upon you … to encourage and strengthen you as you continue your journey home.   Peace and joy I leave with you this night.”  
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.