April 25th, 2003

(The following message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary. We were surprised to again personally hear from Our Blessed Mother as there were some indications the messages would be less frequent. We continue to believe that if these messages are heeded and bear fruit more could follow.) 

“My Dear Children,

You have emerged from these 40 days of penance and sacrifice scarred by Divine Love. What were My words to you prior to this Lent? Did I not tell you this would be a most difficult Lent? There were the trials, circumstances and devastations upon devastations. You My children awakened to the love of Our Most Merciful God. You wish to make many changes in life. I say change must first begin within each heart. Until you learn to succumb to the fragrance of The Divine Will ….you will be unable to understand that the scars of Divine Love are etchings beautifully engraved in each soul ……allowing that soul to be purified and perfected before the eyes of Almighty God.”

“I bless you this night with a Mothers love for your continued perseverance and  I shall intercede for each of Our Children before the Throne of God. I shall remain with you through this journey. Be not afraid O Little Children of God …..but confidently walk in the Masters steps and you shall reach your goal of life eternal ….. filled with happiness and joy as you enter the Kingdom of God.”
 (Visual by recipient) “I see what appears to be ……it looks like where a storm has gone through and there’s  great destruction. I see just piles and piles of debris. Wood ash … like a great fire might of gone through It’s not pleasant to see. For surely there must have been a loss of life. It brings sorrow to my heart to see such things. The ashes are parting …there are tiny lights emerging through the debris. Looks like little sprouts of  some sort and then a greater light from above shines down and these little seedlings find the strength to push themselves through all of the debris which must be the trials of life . And they are the souls that have loved Our Lord and have fought so valiantly to follow His Will. No struggle has kept them from Him. For love ……all souls search for love…Divine Love.”

(The following text is transcribed from the recorded audio oration given by the recipient after her visual. She attempts to explain what was previously given. )

“This was one of the first times that I remember that Our Lady had spoken of the Divine Will in such terminology. When I heard the words scarred by Divine Love, I wondered if I had heard correctly and then She said”

“Unless we learn to succumb to the fragrance of The Divine Will, we cannot understand the scars of Divine Love which are etchings carved beautifully into our souls and these are nothing more than the everyday trials. The disappointments ... all those things that come our way that we have to deal with …..those things allowed by God. We’re His masterpiece. He is carving us using our sorrows and our pains. Molding us into the people that He calls His children. All through Lent we walked the suffering of Our Lord and now She is telling us that the journey made us more beautiful because we endured with love. All sacrifices, whatever came our way. Whether we understood it or not we trusted in the Mercy of Our Lord. I praise God for this evening and I thank our Blessed Mother for returning to us. For speaking to us so gently. For teaching us with so much wisdom and promising us that God will never leave us and She will always be our intercessor that tells us that we need to pray. To keep ourselves in a state of grace so that we might prove ourselves worthy servants. Worthy children of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These evenings are very special. We never quite know what is going to happen but we praise God that He has blessed us so abundantly. That He has placed this Holy Mountain in an area accessible to many people who are able to not only find, but literally feel the peace and the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Praise be to Jesus.”

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.