September 13, 2002 (Mary Speaks)

“My child,

The words you have spoken have been spoken well. For the tongue indeed is an instrument of destruction when left unbridled. Look amongst you and among those throughout the world, that have been cut, wounded and torn apart by words

unjustly spoken . By words that cannot be retrieved to mend the wounds. I call all of My children    all of My faithful ones to a pure heart For a pure heart
illuminates the soul and it takes but one venial sin to tarnish the soul.

Dear children,

Must I stay with you to hold your hands guide you always? You know this is not possible. (tongues and private conversation) I ask you to be child like in your faith......................................................... trusting in God.. totally abandoning yourselves to the ways of this
world and clinging tightly to Almighty God and His Divine Will. I repeat and

repeat these phrases..... do you listen ....... do they mean something to you? For

they must......... they must My children if you are to survive....... if you are to
become true children of God. Words now float as do the feathers .......unable to be
retrieved. So guard well the tongue and listen well with your heart that the words I speak will take root deeply within you and the words you speak will be well

guarded with much consideration............. with much patience. I love you My
children and desire only what is best for you. Pray for that purity of heart that your soul will be joined with the Light of Eternal Love.”

  • Hits: 3383

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.