June 21, 2002

(Pat) I see Thee, Oh My God * (see commentary below) surrounded in majesty as I kneel in prayerful contemplation of Thy great love for us ...... your children. How great Thou art Oh Lord to humble Thy self disguised as bread and wine to breathe new life into your children.The World awaits your next move as though life were a game of chess ...... each move contemplated and re-contemplated before our hands dare to move into position ...... not a chess piece but a portion of our lives. Father, it is you who guards us through this mirage of squares upon this board of life. You know I know nothing of chess ... except there is a King, Queen, Knights and other lower class pieces which when moved about the board cause situations of gain or loss.Is it just my ignorance alone which keeps me from understanding or is it the understanding itself which defies my simple reasoning and this brings me to “check”... or eventually.... “checkmate”? It is all a matter of contemplated choices. Life reveals so much when we take the time and carefully gauge our   every move. Somehow I am hearing;

(Jesus) “Where do you stand on this board of choices? Have you moved or been moved..... made choices or have they been made for you. You stand to gain eternity or lose everything. Come, My children...do you not see how pieces of this puzzle are fitting into place? Have your eyes been so clouded and your hearts so hardened that you do not recognize the intensity of these times?

I am calling great warriors.... humble servants.....who seek only My Will and the rewards which accompany it. Greatness lies in simplicity... .all must learn and become infinitely small in men’s sight yet great in the eyes of the Lord! The more humble one becomes.....the greater He becomes in the eyes of the Lord. Remember, it took only one small pebble in the hands of a child to bring down the giant of pride!

Be prepared to learn, to desire to learn, so that together you will become a mighty force ready to face the armies of spiritual destruction. Pray and fast ..... become strong and unafraid to wage spiritual war against the legions of evil now set loose upon this earth. You are granted only so much time; but, it is more than adequate if you use it well.

My precious children, do not be afraid. You will receive all the assistance necessary to participate in this battle for souls. It is your choice........................................................................................................................... you are either a participant or an observer.....which shall it be, My children,............................................................................................................ which shall it
be! I bless you this night and comfort you with My peace!”(*Commentary): This particular phrase (I see thee, Oh my God) refers to the 14th Chapter of John (New American Bible - St. Joseph Edition), in which Jesus says “If you know me, then you will also know My Father”. He further states, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father”. It is in these particular times when I find myself in prayer in front of our Lord in the Monstrance in which I say “I love thee Oh my God” or in this particular instance, “I see thee Oh my God disguised as bread and wine”. I do not see God Himself who is pure Spirit. This is a most important clarification for all who read and discern these messages!
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.