June 14, 2002

(Our Lord Speaks)(Visual) “Everything is dark...... so dark. It’s just the sun, it’s coming up over the horizon. The ground is so hard......... there is no moisture. There is nothing but places to stumble......places to try and survive. My Jesus I don’t know what this means......... but I trust in you ......... I know that You will explain ......”(Jesus) “Child of mine............. You feel the heat as it burns your skin.....You feel
your lips parched from lack of moisture .....yet the burning of your heart has nothing to do with the sun and its rays. It is the power of the Omnipotent God who

burns deeply within your heart.......... that you might feel his presence ........ that you
might know of His love and of His comfort.”

(Pat) "My Jesus, I am nothing and so confused ...... please help me.”(Jesus) “It is the power and the love of God that gathers each of his children through these difficult times      you struggle through the heat of thedesert .......  parched and dry ....  stumbling as you go.......... look at My Church

..... stumbling......... parched and dry. As I predicted many years ago, there would
come a great trial for My Church..... But My Church shall stand. You are My

Church... . You who love... . You who obey.......... You who follow my word. Is theremore to say?  Then, God is in control  ......................... trust Him and in His mercy

.............  all shall be resolved.”

 (Pat) “There is a dew like presence ...... moisture in the air. It is scented with an aroma of encouragement. It is a bouquet of all Gods flowers (souls) gathered together emitting the most beautiful aroma.”

(Jesus) “It is the aroma of the church that will not fail. The gates of Hell will not prevail against My Church. Go busily about your daily tasks.....pray much .... tend to your families..... but above all give God all praise and glory..... for He shall show you the way through this turmoil. Trust Him as you trust Me............................................................................

Your Lord. I send My Mother in these difficult times ..........  all through the world tobring comfort and strength in a gentle motherly way............ that there should be, no

fear …… but hold tightly .....hold tightly to the threads of love..... for you are bound as My Children .... and I shall protect you and I send My Angels, and a

multitude of Saints that pray continuously......... for you and your salvation........

fear not................... fear not. All must come as I have said........ all must come.
Through prayer you may lessen the severity, but it shall come My Children. Be
awake; do not sleep......... for the time shall come when you shall see how you standbefore God. It is a time of great grace.......... a time God gives you out of His HolyLove.......... to choose..... and choose well you must......... for time runs out. Oh

beautiful precious children.......... time runs out.”

(Pat) “My Lord ... It sounds as though You are preparing us for something so great. Help us that we will not fear, but as You said, we will choose well. Our hearts are yours ..... mould them as you will ... for they belong to none other. You are the Lord Our God”.(Visual) “Oh My Jesus it’s a clock ......... it’s a clock in the sky ...... not a clock ...... an hour glass ...... time sifts so quickly and moves. Our Lord says if you fear you will not accomplish His purpose. We are to place complete trust in Him, whatever message he gives us ........ it is complete trust in God that will see all of us through ......... eternity with Them.”
  • Hits: 3638

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.