July 5, 2002

(Pat) Tongues. “I can’t see exactly what it is. It is a bridge ... a very narrow bridge across. (I can’t look down ... it’s so far... it’s so long). There are people on both sides of the bridge ...lines and lines of people. They are coming to the bridge. The others, a multitude of people. A tremendous burst of light! And thru the light there is a man ... glowing so brilliantly and by His right side is Mary. She is so beautiful. This time She is all in gold But it’s not a fabric ...... just glistening fibers. The others ... I don’t know who they are. They are dressed in shades of white and other colors as well. I don’t understand Mother and I see they are holding something in their hands. It looks like a candle and the flames of the candles are spreading all over this vast area. On the other side of the bridge all these people are just waiting. They are standing and looking but nobody is moving. There are just all these people ... lines of people and I hear a very strong gentle male voice and I know it is Jesus. He is calling out names, but each one has to cross this bridge. It’s a little frightening. It’s very narrow, it’s very long. You have to hold on ... old on tightly. But the voice is so comforting and the lines of people start to move as their names are called. The bridge is filled with people ... once frightened but now smiles ... smiles on their faces. They are becoming like lights ... changing from what we perceive as a body to beautiful lights. They are going to Jesus. Is that right, Mother? "

(Mary) “My Daughter,

This is the bridge of life....... the trials that all must suffer....... all must endure to
reach their final destination with Jesus. Can’t you hear by the tone of His

voice........... the love He has for each of His children....... How He beckons you with
such confidence as He beckoned Peter to step out of the boat and walk to Him on the water. Do not be afraid. Fear is not of God and will not allow you to cross this
bridge to My Son. Allow God to bring comfort into your lives......... the turmoil yourworld is in...... such a state, so many trying so hard to get to where they no notwhere they are going. It seems a puzzle.......... does it not?" (Tongues)

"My Children,

God does not promise you great joy and prosperity. He sends the trials that you may become wise and humble of heart, and with such wisdom and humility            your world will finally find its peace. How many My children, are
willing to empty themselves out as My Son did upon the Cross? He asks this of

you..... empty yourselves that others may find Him....... that they may hear their
name being called across this bridge”. (Tongues).

“My Daughter,

I have been with you a very long time. The time of My visitations grows short, but this place shall remain a place of holiness    a place of healing.......................................................................... for thosethat come will have that seed planted within their heart ........ a seed that willgrow........... a seed that God will nurture and draw them to where He wants them inlife. Be not afraid......... for We will never leave you but the visitations will not be as
frequent. We love you, dear children. So many lessons We have tried to teach

you......... go back....... go back...... read Our words..... learn and be happy........ be
happy for God awaits His children”.

(Pat sobbing in tongues) “I love you so much Mother. (inaudible) I love you too”.

  • Hits: 3608

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.