February 15, 2002

(Jesus) “My children,

If you could only see the result of My suffering, you would unite everything in your life in union with My Passion. But you are sensitive child like creatures.... .who must be led firmly but gently through this great time of Lent       I gather youhere that you might join together as families united for truth ............ families unitedin the holy love.............. .families united in willing sacrifice. Many times you havebeen told to follow the steps........ the stones upon which My blood lays after
centuries. It is still visible. That My children is where we shall go tonight and each
night of Lent, stone by stone. It is the only way....... it is My way and I desire your

will ..... I desire your free choice ................ *will you walk with Me? Will you join
with Me in My suffering and in My sorrow? Will you gain souls for the Glory of

My Kingdom........... will you say yes? It is too much for such frail ones to say yes ,
to so much so soon! But your heart will be awakened.... your heart will be filled with the knowledge of where you shall start. Start slowly that you are not overwhelmed ....as fear will not creep in and destroy the beauty. Sacrifice          where is the beauty of sacrifice? It is buried in humility! Just the slightest glimmer of pride fights the humility for which you are called. Humility is like a fog in which you are lost as a tiny boat …… floating with no direction no sense of where you are going of where you have been. The little boat is pride. Look as you pray for that slight glimmer ....that slight opening of pride in which the fog parts.....and your sails shall burst as a gust of wind and draw you through. Oh little children do you think that I would leave... .leave you helpless and lonely..... the One who loves you more than any other ….. not I My child for you are My children. I ask much of you I know, but much is required .....but in tiny increments.....slowly you shall accomplish..... all that My Will requires.”

(*Note: On February1 7th, Pat said “yes” and made the intense walk of suffering and sorrow over the mountain path at Our Lady’s Shrine.)(Pat) “May I dare to approach Thee? I was humbled and I feel lost, and out of control. Where My Jesus do you wish me... when you know that I wish to be with you....... and yet ...... and yet the chains of love keep me here. How My Lord can such a useless instrument be held so long when my meager offerings......................................................................... my
meager sacrifices..... are so insignificant in my life. I can see ...... I can see Lord
Jesus only so much ...... not as you see... for you see how everything comes into
place. For we try to make it and make it where I wish to join with you... in all the pain and all the suffering ...... step by step...... on all of those stones which contain Thy blood. I know Lord Jesus where I head and I know that one who tempts and torments me. I cannot...... I am not worthy...... and yes, I am not worthy, but through Thy love and through Thy grace you shall take me and all those who believe in Thee, into the tiny opening where that gust of wind shall send us all sailing along that path to Calvary...... and there we shall lay our lives upon the bottom of Thy cross and let Thy precious blood flow and cover us that we may be precious children of Thee. Oh, My God...... my precious Jesus, you are my all ...... my love......what more can one say whose words are lost in eternity...my useless words.”

(Jesus calls to) “Samuel” (Pat’s guardian angel responds) “I am here, My Lord.”

(Jesus) “I command thee to guard this one ........... to protect Her during this most
difficult time.”

(Samuel) “My Lord and My God......... my little charge shall not escape my care. Ido all for Thee. This one entrusted to me I shall protect........... I shall watch and I

shall guard........ and then My God...... My God ... .I shall return her to you safely,
and that she will hear once again, the whispers from your lips as she praises you
with all her heart.”

(Pat) “If I may be so bold, My Lord. The evil one has tormented me and I do not know why Thou allowed it. I know, My God, that it is for Your praise and for Your glory, and I accept deep in me, for I am so weak. I do all for your glory ...... all for your children. I love them all, for I fear not for Thou art always with me. I do not fear to touch              and love ...  for they (His children) must first
touch you ... You stand always between me and those that come ...... for you are the Lord ...... the God of healing ...... the God of mercy. My Jesus, My Lord ...... let me not fail Thee ...... let me not fail Thee My God ... for I shall truly die ...... oh remorseful soul ...... to fail Thee but one time.”

(Jesus) “I bless you little child of mine.”

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.