August 2, 2002

(Samuel speaks)(Pat) “It is thee I see tonight. Yes, it is true ... the weariness has drained many in our efforts to fulfill the will of Our Lord. I knew you were there ... and here you are tonight.”

(Samuel) “Yes, My Charge......... I am here tonight as I am here every night..........
every moment of your life. When you grow tired and weary and thoughts do not make sense …. call upon Me and rest your head upon My shoulder. Many of My Lord’s children suffer greatly. They suffer physically but more importantly

....... spiritually. For they do not believe in what they cannot see ........  but you little

daughter and others throughout the world like you........... you have been given a
great gift. You see the flickers of lights about you in this room ...... those who

stand guard ........  those who come to sing. ....... to bring refreshment .......  yes,
refreshment through the voice of the Angels.”

(Chimes are heard sounding …… very soothing)(Pat) “Oh, Samuel what is it I am to say tonight?”

(Samuel) “You must encourage each of God’s children to be reflections of His Love           to persevere in their afflictions and to find joy in the trials and

sufferings. As you grow tired ........... call upon us. The Holy Spirit will come torefresh you. You will find strength will be unleashed like a river................ a dam that
has burst ..... will refresh the souls.”
(Pat) “There are so many Samuel ... so many hearts that are so broken ...... so many problems. We witness so much and feel so helpless.”(Samuel) “You have not relinquished that portions of your will to God ..........  for

He alone is the strength that sustains........ the strength that heals the families
....that heals the broken bodies. We here tonight are here also to guard you ..... to

strengthen you ........  to allow peace and refreshment once again to come into your
soul. I pray thee child, do not become discouraged and all of these children who

find despair in life........... that is not of God …….. (tongues) ..... It is His peace thatHe wishes each to have buried deeply within their hearts            a peace that will be

reflected upon each face so that each face will glow with love. You need but a
smile to bring refreshment to one in pain. Comfort those you can, as we shall always comfort you. (long pause) Yes, tell them.”

(Pat) “I see a man ... He looks like a homeless person. He is just wandering through the crowds ... no one paying attention ... no one caring...... but someone stops and looks into the eyes and brings a cup of water...... and everything changes ... for Jesus walks amongst us disguised ..... and we do not bother to make the effort to see Him in others. Oh, Samuel, how ashamed ...... how many times have I looked at the face of my Lord and looked at my brothers and sisters and not seen Him. Help me ...... oh unworthy soul that I am ...... that I might find such peace in the eyes of my brothers and sisters ... for I know that it is the peace of my Lord.”Intense personal message followed...............
  • Hits: 3555

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.