April 26, 2002

(Second message - from Mary) (Pat) Tongues

(Mary) “My Dear child,

Do not worry this night........ that your voice is not as it has been........ it’s anoffering to God. Because of this suffering.......... others will come and bring theirminor offerings to Our Lord.......... and many souls will be saved.

How it (the day’s severe wind outside) blew......... and how objects were tossed to
and fro. Was it not your soul ..... also that was tossed to and fro? That was the

grace of God......... that allowed such motion ......... such disruption in a normal day.
So that you might know that He is always with you through every circumstance of
life. There is no soul which we shall let go. The wind blows this way and that

way......... and you feel caught....... not knowing your trust in Our Lord wavers everso slightly........... not like the storm..... but like the breeze in the trees, and of the

wind of the fields .. it’s ever so slightly when any disturbance threatens your lives.

Children, you are the beloved ones of God and you feel this anxiety........... in thesemoments of uncertainty.......... call upon Him... . and in moments, moments oftime .....you will feel the hand of God, rest upon your shoulder.......... to renew withHis strength and His love. I tell you to pray..... pray your rosary.......... wear yourscapular............ keep holy water in your homes and bless them frequently........ forthe battle approaches........ the battle in which the children of God must be prepared
without fear... but with total trust in the mercy of God. Yes, there are many things
you do not understand.......... the simple trusting in God and His Holy Will, willbring everything into His light........... that you may see, the purpose of His plan.Keep the word of God .......... cling to it and upon it’s promises and boldly proclaimthem. For they are from God........... He will not let you down. He has given youthese powerful tools....... to strengthen you through this journey........ andyes.......... and yes I repeat, the battle comes …   the wind shall blow ....... but youshall stand firmly on the word of God......... strengthened by His love and by Hismercy. Do not fear little children .......... do not fear, for God is with you .......... He is

your strength ...... He is the peace which comes into your lives, especially at those
moments when anxiety tears at your very soul. Take time to be with God. Allow
yourselves to be so quiet that even a tiny pin dropping within a room will go

unnoticed. Listen for the voice of God........ very softly..... and you must be

prepared........ you must believe that God talks to you ......... that He encourages
you......and that he loves you, as a Father loves his children. Jesus does not

remain away, but embraces you .........  feel His strength ...... rely on the strength ofGod......... for in so doing peace shall fill your life. Strength shall come to endure alladversity for God alone is the Holy One. He is the Lord and He shall protect those who are His own.” (Pat) Private conversation 

April 26, 2002

(Jesus speaks )(Pat) During the afternoon of April 26th, I was a little late in arriving to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We were expecting some very special guests from Tucson. I was not certain if they would be staying for the Friday Canyon Rosary and I decided to try and make time just to say a little blessing with them. This sounds not too unusual except I had just returned from a doctor’s appointment as the antibiotics I was taking had caused a slight problem with my being able to eat or talk. Through God’s grace, these beautiful people started praying for me and I experienced the most beautiful presence of our Lord.As sometimes happens, there was a beautiful dialogue in “tongues”. At the time this was being experienced, everything was being spoken and understood in our natural language. It is a complete language of “love” with tender” advice” and discernment. One can only rest in the spirit and feel the true presence of God and know without a doubt He is in control.Jesus spoke of His children, especially those who bask in the light of His love and return that love to others. The Son filled the Chapel with such radiant glory and it was impossible not to cry and shudder under the power of such Divine Love. It felt as though a great and brilliant Host had completely enveloped each of us. Wecried with tears of love and gratitude.Our Lord often speaks of the Glory which awaits those who trust in the Holy Name of Jesus for it is He who paid the price for our redemption through the shedding of His body and precious blood. What more could we say than ”Thy Will Be Done”. He did say; “Our health would greatly improve through a steady diet of forgiveness, patience and humility”. We can only be healed by going to the Great Physician to receive our daily dose of the fresh fruits of The Holy Spirit. It is like a beautiful salad flavored with the sweetness of Divine Mercy.He calls us to be bold ..... to act without fear......... for the only weapon we need is trust in the precious name of Jesus. His blood leads us to our own personal Calvary. Let’s take each others hand and follow that path which leads to the Cross. Together we are strong for we are bound by the love of Jesus ........ bow your heads and hearts in prayer...... sing joyfully to the Lord our God. 
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.