April 19, 2002

(Mary speaks)(Mary) “Oh my dear child, I desire that you speak these words to My children that they may hear and have them buried within their hearts............................................................................................................. that they may know
of the Mercy of God and of His great love for each of them. Earlier tonight, My Son’s message was relayed.” (the audio message of Sunday, April 14, 2002 was
replayed before the Friday rosary). “He calls you to accept His Mercy........ Hecalls you to listen .... as I call you to listen. Hear with your words hear those words with your heart …… not only your ears …….for ears can deceive but the heart remains true. Tongues...............There are so many of our children who do not approach Our Lord.......... who do notcall upon His Mercy.............. because they find themselves in the pitiful state of
unworthiness and fear the Lord will turn His back and have nothing to do with
 them. But I assure you.......... when you call to My Son........ He runs......... He runs to

you with His Mercy to bless you and protect you........ He asks only that you bring
a vessel for Him to fill and fill it He shall. What is the largest vessel that you can

bring......... the soul. You must take every moment slowly......... to empty yourself ofall that displeases God. For in so doing............. you make more and more room for

God’s Mercy to fill your soul. Oh, precious children of God............. the depth of
God’s Mercy, you shall never understand on this earth. But let us begin as little children.

Make a little room which we shall call your soul........... and as you empty and
discard all these things you have carried for years, God will fill that with an
abundance of peace and of His love. This is your own private Mercy room where you and Our Lord meet and join hearts to pray for all the souls throughout the

whole world. As it sounds so simple............... I tell you it takes time........ it takes a
life time to truly rid yourself of years of neglect when God had no place in your
life and you wish to do this overnight............. to make this Mercy room for just you

and God............ where joy will abound. For you will speak to Him as you speak to
your Father and He will talk to you as He does His child. The Mercy room brings

comfort............ but it brings even greater strength for there you learn the value of

souls......... and in learning the value of souls......... you learn that Mercy and
forgiveness are an important part of each life. How difficult to forgive when we
have been so wounded, but the joy it brings God is immeasurable. 


Take this day …. this very moment.......... renew your love and commitment to

God........... that the bond of love will become so strong, that souls throughout the

world will find this same Mercy and this same peace............... for it is God Himself
who sends such a gift to all of His children.”

(Pat) “It looks like a blackboard. But it is probably the sky ... and all of a sudden there are these little lights ......(I need help Mother to describe such lights for to say they are like the little lightning bugs that we capture as children) ...... they flicker on and off. They are so similar but yet they fall from the Heavens......... millions...... probably billions...... all landing on each soul. God allows Me to see this little light..... like an invitation......... perhaps each individual name on their “invitation”, a name written in the precious blood of Jesus. The invitation is written on such a material I cannot describe. For it seems to seek what’s within the body and there rests within the heart. My Lord says...... He has invited all to receive His Mercy. It is up to each and every one of us to choose this precious gift.”
  • Hits: 3710

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.