November 23, 2001

(Visual): “I see a very large area........ there is very little light .........  it’s moregrayish. I’m waiting.......... I can see images and little flickering lights...... they
look like candle lights. I must be standing high on the mountain or hovering
above........... the valley is filled with lights and as they move closer to themountain, the lights become brighter. Everyone’s moving.............. there are a lot ofsouls in the back...... they have a light, but it barely flickers... it barely shines.Some try to step forward, but they can’t they quickly draw back and their little
light is so dim. It appears these souls are heading toward a building on the
mountain. It looks like the Chapel, but it’s kind of like a Lighthouse......... a safeharbor for souls. I hear like a wind but nothing is moving............. and I look again
and they are the wings of angels. They are gently nudging each soul closer and
closer to God’s mercy. I hear a voice”......................... “My dear children,The light which each soul carries is faith. As each soul draws closer to God, it is filled with peaceful confidence to accept the graces which God freely pours on each of His precious souls as He so desires. The flickering lights in the distance are those souls unable to make a commitment to God and His plan for their lives. You must pray that each soul be filled with faith to such a degree that it will lovingly and confidently seek to have a heart that burns with such intensity for

holiness. The lights you see above the mountain ......... the golden lights, My
Child, are graces which await the children who come in faith ... for God will not allow them to leave empty handed. I bless all of My children this night.”

  • Hits: 3580

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.