June 22, 2001

(The following message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary. It was a beautiful spirit-filled evening with many special blessings from our Holy Mother. There was a rather diverse group this evening with people coming from Phoenix, Nogales, Arizona and Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, along with our regular participants. At our Mother’s request, the special crucifix was used to extend Her blessing and it was powerful. We were especially blessed to have Lety, a visionary from El Paso, pray with us and share some of the messages our

Lord and Blessed Mother are giving to her regarding these times. We just thank our Lord and Our Dear Mother for showering us with such graces).

(Pat) “It’s very bright, Mother........ so many lights....... so beautiful”
“Children of Our Hearts,

You are wrapped in the splendor of the Divine Love of My Son and He in pouring forth His love into your soul shall beckon you into the abode of His Sacred Heart. Rest in His heart  away from the chaos of your world ....for tonight is a night
of grace.

You have been called to be Our little servants of mercy for into this valley and upon Our Mountain of Mercy shall spring forth a river of living waters. Many graces shall flow many gifts shall be received. Blest is He who receives yet
in a humble heart remains unaware of such graces. He becomes like a sieve into
which the graces are poured, but they are dispersed with equal measure. Seek such humility that you might ask nothing for yourselves and then you shall be a blessing to others.”

(Visual: “It’s very bright and it looks like it is on top of a mountain. It is taking shape     lots of light          brilliant like crystals with prisms but on the inside there
is a heart of rubies. I see lots of souls beneath the mountain and I hear a voice.”
“Come to Me .... all those who seek My peace for My Sacred Heart awaits you”.
“There are all of these little lights all heading up to this beautiful, beautiful heart and as each one enters the lights become stronger and stronger. The whole sky is
radiant ... it is radiant with God’s love.”)
(Mary) *Yes............ the little daughter??? “ Tell them My little daughter does not

hallucinate......... for I have been with Her and I shall remain with Her.......... for I
shall take her home.”

(*This final passage refers to a terminal cancer situation of the mother and sister of two of our weekly prayer members. Helen, who took the revelation photo at the shrine, made her final journey within 24 hours of this message).
  • Hits: 3645

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.