June 10, 2001

(The following message was received Sunday morning during a "sharing" session of Our Mother’s Call to Conversion "gathering" at Mary’s Knoll. Many people shared their beautiful experiences and the blessings they received through the peace of our Lord and Blessed Mother. More than once, people remarked of the joy and tranquility they witnessed in the "team members" as they evangelized our Lord’s love and mercy through not only their words but also their actions. This particular message was received as the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me and I rested in the Spirit. As you will note, it is very brief, but very profound.)

“Little children,

Many times We have spoken of this journey, but you perceive it as a line from one point to another. It is, however, a perfect circle. From Me you come.......................................................................................................... to Me
you return. You may turn your back and walk away, but keeping walking, My children ... for you will in turn walk right back into My arms.”

  • Hits: 3522

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.