June 1, 2001 ( Recipient) ......I hear your words...

“My dear children,

Praise be Jesus Christ who has allowed my presence with you this evening. I gather each of you into My heart that I may remind you of the great love of God for all of His children. Many have forgotten. How is that My children when you see the envy and selfishness in your brothers and sisters but fail to see it in yourselves. Have I not taught you well? Have I failed you as a mother?

I do not come to scold but to renew and refresh the instructions of God’s love. Children, do not lose hope for God has given you a life line .......................................................................................................................... .a life line of
mercy and forgiveness... grab hold while there is still time. Children, there is so

much to accomplish............... so much that We ask of you who truly have
consecrated your lives to the Sacred Heart of My Son and to My Immaculate
Heart. You must.............. you must look at your brothers and sisters until” (at this
particular moment it was a though She had started to say something, but the conversation changed into “tongues”. It was most interesting that at this precise moment the obvious sound of birds chirping was recorded on the tape which was extremely unusual as it was late in the evening and the room in which the message was received could not possibly on its own pick up such a sound. The message

then continued )........... (I will not repeat.) “A gentler tone perhaps, that you will
not be disturbed. You must look until you see the Spirit of God in each of your

brothers and sisters. This lies covered........ but you are called to uncover.......... to

search until you see as God sees ..... (tongues) ...... for only then will you find the true peace of Christ             only then will you find your feet firmly planted on the
road to holiness.” (Do I repeat?) ... (tongues) ......

“My children, I do not come to scold ......... truly I do not.... but to bring you love
and the awareness that lives must be changed. There is an uncontrolled epidemic of pride, envy, anxiety and frustration that is running ramped in your world. Unless you learn to trust in God there will be no cure ... for God is the Physician

that heals and brings peace into each heart. Remember these words              listen carefully......... Now, what do you hear ?” (The group in the other room could be
heard on the tape singing “Master...... Savior” which obviously Our Mother wanted us to hear ......soothing words of healing).(Visual): (So loud........... it’s like stampeding animals across the prairie ........  it’sso loud. I can’t see anything. Oh dear Jesus........... they are horses. There are fourhorses....... they are huge. Their riders are angels set for battle. Each horse is adifferent color. Prepare your hearts....... prepare your hearts .... pray..... for they
come. They have been released. There is a paper (?)... it has been opened ... it
has been pried open There is a ... uhmm ........ stamp. It’s a gold ’ish stamp....ah....ithas a marking on it ....... a throne...... very vibrant..... very ornate...... it’s wax (canyou feel the wax......... feel the indentations............. feel the throne........ It’s God’s
(Once again we were able to hear birds chirping in the background)
............  don’t touch .........  don’t touch. He has released the four horsemen. They
ride into our world. God is our strength. He is our joy and our trust. There is no
fear ... for we each bear the mark of Christ. The angels will pass over us. They
are coming......... cannot stop them........ no way to stop them).
  • Hits: 3751

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.