December 28, 2001

(Commentary by Jerry): The following message is from Pat’s guardian angel “Samuel” who was first heard on the message of October 12, 2001. Although initially of a personal nature, as with many messages this is another example of how God is further teaching us [the community] to ask for His help through the angels in troubled times. In this message as Samuel confirms “Tell all of our children”. We have discerned to pass on the value of this personal message. You are also encouraged to discern as you read the following taken off the audio tape as it was dictated thru Pat. Note that Samuel calls Pat “My Little Charge”Tongues (Pat) “I recognize thee. But in the Holy Name of Jesus by the power of His Precious Blood identify thyself.”

“My Little Charge,

It is I Samuel. Why have you remained hidden............. seeking a place where no one
could find you? Tell me my child ... for we share much. Is it that you think I do not know the burden in your heart ... the joy, the holy reverence you were allowed to witness as the veil was lifted from your eyes. Little child of God this is your gift, but one in which in time all will share.”

(Pat) “Am I to answer you? For you know my heart is no longer within me For I send my heart before My Lord to lay prostrate before him adore Him
.........  there’s nothing within me......... nothing within me.......... I have given him all
and yet I want to be so quiet........ that nothing will awaken Him within HisMothers arms....... and that I may be still with Himjust a moment longer. I haveexperienced nothing like this before......... with such holiness and suchreverence that my feet floated across the floor. I have been here yet not here.........
my body is here but my heart is somewhere elsewhere ... it is so bright and the
lights are so beautiful....... but they are so soothing ... and the aroma holds me ....
holds me .... the aroma is so intoxicating. I feel I cannot continue the
conversation. Oh praise be My Jesus......... praise My Jesus.”(Samuel) “Little daughter it is true ........... your heart has been taken as you asked itto be taken ............. before the manger, before the new born Lord .... but it has beensplit into many pieces .......... many tiny hearts filled with love that shall be returned
to you be distributed to those whose hearts are so heavy. Do you not realize there were many who felt the heaviness of the holiness of this time and yet, knew

not what to do. We are here but you fail to call us ............ you fail to send us........ to
do your bidding. Send us to Our Lord that we might Adore Him as you rest. Send us to those who are dying that we might comfort them in their last moments. Send

us to those hearts that are so                                    broken that we might pray     with
them and share a token piece of your heart with them . Tell all of our children that
we stand ready to be used as warriors....... to be used as gentle souls to console.But you must ask ... you must send......... we do not go without your permission...
give us thy order ... send us, and we shall boldly go ....we shall wave the banner of Christ ...and we shall go into the fields .....and we shall prepare the hearts so in need of healing. What a time this has been a special time ....a time

of quiet reverence .... a time of learning ... a time of sharing....... a time my
children of forgiving. Do not hold on to those moments of un-forgivingness ... .for God shall call you when you least expect. We stand guard this night

awaiting your command..................................... little charge of my heart where
shall you send me what is my duty for you this night?”

(Pat to Samuel) “With a mission of mercy to *Cindy’s family, that you may begin healing, say your prayers to Almighty God. Unite them I pray. Go my dear friend .... be about Gods business.”*Cindy died during the week without her family near.
  • Hits: 3678

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.