August 31, 2001

“Oh little children,

Slowly, ever so slowly, God is molding you into the person He wishes you to be. He takes pains and great joy with His handiwork as He gazes upon His children.

Think, Little ones, of a person who takes a piece of wood, a sharp knife and with a great deal of patience ... gently whittles the wood until it becomes an object of art transformed not from gold or silver, but from the simple common wood. This, My children, is how God wishes you to be .....simple, yet with great potential to be beautiful works of art reflecting love His love                through obedience to His
Will. For God, too, gently whittles away the imperfections of each soul ... transforming them into precious treasures.

My children, I know you take great joy in striving to abide in God’s Holy Will; but, God sees the souls still in need of sanding and polishing........................................................................................................................ souls that havenot yet understood - God comes in distractions! Our children seek silence....... thesolitude of God’s beauty........ to be one with Him.......... and, yet, they must learn
that God allows disruptions so that you may grow and thirst for His presence!

Be steady as the helmsman that guides the ship along the calm seas and the rough

sea............. focusing always on what lies ahead (personal ......tongues). You must

remember, Children, that life is like the sea.................. very unpredictable. But, God
remains constant and He wants only the very best for each of His children. Trust

Him in His mercy and in His forgiveness ........ that you will be unshakeable.

Remember, My children, that God’s voice is heard even in the greatest storm, for even in the eye of the hurricane there is peace. Seek God’s peace.

I see tonight there are those who come to My home and I welcome them. They are My children. I wish to dispel doubts in their hearts that they may be filled with the Holy Spirit and the grace of God shall penetrate their very souls.”

(Visual) [Pat] “ You’ll have to help me. I can’t tell if it’s two things ........ if it’s the
sky and water, they look like they are so close together. But, I see a morning
sky ... I’ll say the sky is beautiful, but coral colored...... and the sea is calm. There
is a large boat. I don’t know if it’s a fishing boat because it’s an ancient construction. I do see nets in various places but it’s not a fishing expedition as we know it. There are a number of people on the boat and all of a sudden there is a
noise. The wind....... the wind is picking up and the sea is starting to move... large
waves come into view. The people are not concerned ... there is no fear .... no
anxiety, but the water is coming across the deck of the ship. They (the people) remain very calm. There is a loud noise. I think it is some of the sails perhaps rolled up and hitting the poles as the force of the wind blows them and the waves
against the ship. Still there is just peace....... oh....... I see only from the back........ aman with His hands on the wheel of the boat. There is a mark on each hand......... I
know it is Jesus. That’s why they are not afraid. Jesus is the Helmsman of the
Souls. It is still very loud .......  but even through all the noise, I hear “Peace, bestill”! The water calms .......  the sky becomes blue .... a few clouds as the sun burst
through them. The boat is gone. It was so tranquil .... so must it be when we believe in Jesus .... the peace He gives to each of us.”
(She so simply symbolizes the power of prayer, we can never comprehend the souls that will be saved because we prayed       we asked our Lord for the
conversion of sinners!)
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.