December 30, 1999

"Oh, My little ones that gather to pray in this holy place. I greet you with My love --- with the love I hold in My arms (Jesus). Today, My children, I gather you securely beneath My mantle for I must, as gently as a Mother can, forewarn you, My children, that prayer must be a most important part of your life. We have spoken of what must come and today I whisper into each ear that you are loved and that each of you has a great responsibility --- a roll which I will teach you to fulfill. Please trust Me for I am the Mother who would not allow Her children to be misled --- to be harmed. I stand guard over each of you. My weapons I extend to you. Take the rosary and My scapular for in them lies the power to defeat the enemy. I do not come to bring fear or anxiety but to bring joy for the peace of My Son shall reign in your hearts. His peace will see you through these difficult times which approach --- but love, My children, as you have never loved


before. Put aside all indifferences --- all unkindness --- and seek a compassionate heart that beats with love --- the love of My Son. You have but to look about you and see there is so much to be done and so little time. My precious ones, allow Me to prepare you with a heart that will never give in to the ways of a world bent on destruction. Be at peace for only in peace will you survive. You are My chosen ones --- My small but power filled prayerful ones. I bless you as the tears of joy stream from My eyes down My cheeks embracing each of you, My beloved children."

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.