March 14, 1998 (Mary)

My daughter,

Be still, My child, as I speak to your heart which needlessly races to accomplish more than is asked of you. You are called to be gentle and loving ---- a compassionate dove of peace. There will be many wounds, dear one, but none that will not heal if placed into Our hands where We will sooth away the pain. These are but the trials of which We spoke ---- - obstacles placed in your path to destroy your peace. It is in these times you must rely upon your faith and trust in Jesus as He allows only that which you can bear. You heard His words ---- -"Has your burden become too heavy" ---- you looked at His nail scarred hands and were ashamed of your weakness. Be brave, little one, for in such weakness comes great strength for the awareness of His love and mercy defies the human mind. Be at peace as the journey continues but awhile longer.

March 14, 1998 (Jesus)

(This was an unexpected message for a young retreat group from Douglas, AZ. I had gone to confession and was praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament when my heart was being prepared to receive these words. I came home, stopped by the Chapel, and went to get my notebook to write. I was instructed to go directly to the computer and begin typing the dictation.)

My precious children,

In each struggle through life you face decisions ---- decisions which must be made with a heart prepared with love and founded on truth. Each of you are here to experience the profoundness of My love and of the gentle caressing of My Mothers compassionate intercession for Her children. You are not here by accident, My children, for in My plan of life each one is called but many fail to respond for the ways of the world still hold tightly upon the strings of their hearts.

I knew you before you were conceived ---- I saw you in your brokenness as I hung from the cross on Calvary and today ---- this night, I call you by name. Into each heart I come searching for a willing spirit that comes to me in love ---- the sweet innocence of a child's love for its parent.

The journey ahead is filled with distractions ---- all meant to weaken your desire for holiness, but you, My children, are mine ---- I have claimed you ---- with Love I paid the price for your soul. It is you now, My children, who will be asked ---- will you outstretch your arms and receive this gift ---- for be warned, it does not come without a high price!

How much do you love Me, My precious children?

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.