March 7, 1998 (Mary)

My dearest children,

As My time with you grows short, I wish to draw you close to My heart ---- the heart which beats as one with My Son. It is He who in His goodness and mercy has allowed My stay ---- a time in which graces have flowed and hearts have softened that all will beat as one. Life, My children, is a time of joy ---- joy in which you love beyond the glitter of materialism and seek with humility the simplistic reality of Christ's love. It is here, My children, where you will separate the wants from the needs. God is mighty and capable of all things and in His mercy He meets the needs of His people. I urge you to trust Him without reserve for He alone knows that which is best for you. His love is total ---- pure and unending. He reaches down to you, little ones, so lovingly as He gently wipes away each tear. It is not pain and suffering He desires for His children but in the greatness of His love He allows that which purifies each soul that by embracing each trial you become a precious stone ---- priceless and irreplaceable ---- a treasure so great you would drown in tears of gratitude if you could only comprehend the magnitude of His love. Be strong, My children, as you are called to live your life in love ---- not fear. Peace and love.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.