March 6, 1998 (Mary)

My dear children,

I continue to come out of deepest love for My children for many hearts remain heavily burdened. Though in your hearts you seek to live holy lives, the words from your mouths and your actions betray your human weakness allowing pride -- -- distrust and envy to disfigure the soul which cries for mercy.

My children, My heart grieves for you who struggle with such intensity to believe and trust yet you cling to old habits which have scarred your faith. The innocence of infancy where childlike faith and trust abounded has long faded and been replaced by skepticism and uncertainty. Hear My words, dear children, as Divine Love seeks to restore the innocence of youth.

You are living in the time of the great Harvest when all souls must be enlightened. Love and forgiveness are not mere words but conscious acts which all are called to perform. Where the seed of compassion has been planted, love ---- true love ----

grows with roots deeply embedded in the Divine Will leaving no room for the weeds of fear and doubt

Many souls hunger for truth ---- I urge you to put aside differences ---- - to become humble for in your humility others will see the light of love and hope will emerge once again encouraging all to seek God's love and mercy. Peace and love, dear children.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.