September 22, 1997 (Jesus)

My children,

You have witnessed the powerful intercession of My Mother who has come to restore peace and confidence in the power of God and His mercy. My children must learn to trust in His timing ---- not in human timing ---- but in Divine Intervention which is always perfect!

Discern and pray, my children, for soon you must choose the direction your life will take. Prepare ---- be filled with eternal grace ---- grace which will strengthen and sustain you in the great trials ahead.

Everything now begins ---- take courage. Seek preparation (spiritual and physical) and strength for that in which you believe will be greatly tested. Trust us, little ones, for stumble though you may, We will catch you and once again set you upright to continue this beautiful but difficult journey.

I bless you for your trust in Me ---- I am your comfort ---- seek Me and you shall find me. Rest in my peace for soon the trumpet will sound ---- listen closely as your name is called. Fear not, my children, for I have gone before you to prepare the way! Come follow Me. I bless you this special day. Rejoice with me whose heart has been filled with joy. My faithful ones, there is much to do and time as known to you, is not on your side.

Peace, my faithful ones.

  • Hits: 2453

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.