August 25, 1997 (Jesus)

My children,

Thank you for seeking My heart first in all that you do. Yes, I know you often stumble, my children, for the burden of sin is great in your world. Know it is My arms into which you fall ---- My hands which caress your wounds ---- and My heart which feels each pain as you faithfully resolve to finish this race I have placed before you.

I am filled with joy as I watch each stone that is carefully placed in this holy place. Let there be no doubt, My children, We are watching. Let your hearts be opened to feel our presence. Rejoice with us ---- you have not labored in vain. My hands are outstretched this day as I bless you with My love and peace.

August 25, 1997

(Family prayer night at St. Andrews) (Ref. Revelation-ABYSS] (Jesus) My daughter,

The hour of decision has come. Your world now teeters on the brink of the abyss. All that has been foretold to you is about to be unleashed. Fear not, my little one -- -- let all come to My Son Who is the love and purity of life. Let those come who love Him, but do not hinder those who come from fear, for He accepts all who approach Him with pure repentance. Seek holiness, my daughter. All who hear my call must respond.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.